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el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:05 am
by Fromen
Me gustaria saber por que los topicos en otro idioma estan siendo borrados ?

Cual es la postura de OTM me gustaria saber.
Si la postura de OTM es no dejar otros idiomas en los foros.

Es acaso este juego no tolera otros idomas en sus foros. Varios fotos de pantalla an sido tomadas de claros y limpias publicaciones.

Si la compania no tolera otros idiomas no deberia ser distribuido enesyos paises.

Re: el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:18 am
by Aileron
The rules state:
The forum moderators and administrators have the right to edit, move, or remove any topic or post which they feel does not conform to the Forum Rules without warning, and warn or ban any user who they feel is in breach of the Forum Rules.

The forum moderators have the right to use their personal judgement if they feel a topic, post, or user is disruptive in a way not covered by the forum rules.

Do not post about locked or deleted threads, or other moderator actions. The actions of the moderators are final.
Your posts are being deleted because you keep asking why they are being deleted. It's not the language per se.

Re: el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:28 am
by Fromen
The rules state:
The forum moderators and administrators have the right to edit, move, or remove any topic or post which they feel does not conform to the Forum Rules without warning, and warn or ban any user who they feel is in breach of the Forum Rules.

The forum moderators have the right to use their personal judgement if they feel a topic, post, or user is disruptive in a way not covered by the forum rules.

Do not post about locked or deleted threads, or other moderator actions. The actions of the moderators are final.
Your posts are being deleted because you keep asking why they are being deleted. It's not the language per se.
No lo echo solo preguntaba si era por idioma pero me gustaria saber el punto de vista de otm en esto.

Re: el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:01 am
by pigman
Anyone translate for me? Im on mobile

Re: el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:04 am
by Pdizz
Por que , ellos son, generalmente ,ingles. Lo siento para mal español. Por favor no pelea. :)

Re: el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:06 am
by Pdizz
Pero, otros idiomas es bueno opinión .

Re: el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:12 am
by Aileron
Anyone translate for me? Im on mobile
He is asking what is OTM's stance on foreign language posts. He is wondering why his post got deleted (the other one in Spanish that asked why mods deleted his post - basically same as this thing but it had a statement that says mods favor Avalon clan)

And if OTM's policy is to not allow foreign languages (he wants to see a rule stating so), then the forums should not be accessible or distributed to other (non-English speaking) countries.

Re: el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:11 am
by D0nk0
I think it's called the Internet and anyone in any country, except maybe North Korea can view whatever they like on it.

Re: el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:07 am
by Fromen
Anyone translate for me? Im on mobile
He is asking what is OTM's stance on foreign language posts. He is wondering why his post got deleted (the other one in Spanish that asked why mods deleted his post - basically same as this thing but it had a statement that says mods favor Avalon clan)

And if OTM's policy is to not allow foreign languages (he wants to see a rule stating so), then the forums should not be accessible or distributed to other (non-English speaking) countries.

Como que Estas in poquito paranoico, lo gracioso es que la compañía creadorra de este juego tiene pólizas muy flexibles que aplica a un criterio muy polarizado .

Tus ovejas desarilan y insultan tópicos a su beneficio, despotismo que los foros an caído es grande.

En ningún lugar está lo que tu dices.

Quiero ver donde esta esa póliza.

Re: el juego es vendido en todos los paises hispanos

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:03 pm
by Voldemort
Forum Rules: ... f=3&t=4958

Terms of Service:

Privacy Policy:

I understand that you are requesting OTM's stance on foreign languages. Personally, I don't mind if you post something that does not break the rules in your own language. As long as you don't break the rules, you won't be in trouble. However, if you try to continuously question moderator actions, your posts may continuously be removed. As OTM is a British company, it is advisable to try and write in English as best as you can because that way more people can read and understand your posts.

If you post your concerns in English, then I will have a look at it in more detail. There's only so much I can get from Google Translate. :P

I'm locking this post, but please do take my post into account. :)