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meteoric weap guide!

hiya guys!
im doing this for the new people who get warden and then try to get the meteoric weapon. I was thinking, a lot of new people ask me for help on how to start this quest and what to do because the info from the quest isn't very informative. i cant think of the whole quest off the top of my head from step by step so im going to list names and locations of who you need to talk to:
Roarke the Blacksmith - Highshore Village

Broon the Mage (skills) - Highshore Village lighthouse, far north west corner of area

Torbin the Sailor - Eastern Dock, on the dock

Jaryn the Smuggler - your right side when you enter doors

Taliesin the Bard - west side, outside the castle in lirs. on the dirt road

you get set quests top complete to obtain items to enchant your weapon into meteoric.

you have to defeat a list of mini boss wisps in stonevale -


then you need to get a bunch of diamond jewels and a golden ingot.

i hope this helped the new guys out there with getting meteoric weapons! enjoy

- Bec
Freyaa (164) rogue
Sunshinee (155) druid

MissDartignan (182+) ranger
Freyaa (176+) rogue

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