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Admin very very important

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:45 pm
by XxVodkaxX
Do appeals Recover Lost Account Because i appealed for my disabled account and they anwsered me that
Do they think i lost my account or that it is disabled 0.0

Hi, PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING: if you could just verify as many of the following as possible for your lost account: username, platinum purchases (values), premium purchases (items/upgrades), trades on the account, some banked items on a particular character, character names and the account creation date (estimate). The more of these details you can provide will help us move your claim along faster. Thanks -Support
-----Original Message-----

Re: Admin very very important

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:05 pm
by Voldemort
If you answer the questions then there's a chance that you can get your account back.

Re: Admin very very important

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:11 pm
by XxVodkaxX
Yay yay thx voide i wasnt sure :D :S

Re: Admin very very important

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:25 pm
by Demetris7
Have you got back your acc ? I am waiting 10 days now and since my 88 lvl
character lost from my acc but nothing atm