From the time i had started playing this game, it was laggy from time to time, only in crowded areas such as castle and stonevale falgren spot(before ow). But now, it crashes almost every boss. My ping is less then 100. i didnt mind of crashes until now that i got higher level and i do bosses but it gets quite annoying. Last time i tried going kill aggragoth with my clan, as soon as i got there, i crashed, relog and crashed again, so i waited till my clan had killed it then i could log in no problem and i went to tower leystone and had some freezing problems and d/c.
Im currently using 3rd gen ipod. Its updated to highest ios it can have. Far or close from my wireless internet doesnt help.
Any tips or ideas?
Re: lagg - disconect
#2Choose a different wifi then the one you use usually, update your router/modem to the latest flimware, Hold the off button and the home button of your iPod until it says slide to turn power off. Another thing is older genenerations lag alot more than newer generations, this is based on my experience. Get better Internet.

Re: lagg - disconect
#3Oh and I think you should get a wifi repeater (I think it is called that) too.
EDIT: I think it is wireless repeater. Try searching it in google.
EDIT: I think it is wireless repeater. Try searching it in google.