Recently myself and another member on forum had a arguement about different % in dps from haste gloves to haste elix. We know haste gloves take your weapon speed (lets use frozen dagger) from 1900 to 1330 and haste elix take from 1900 to 950.
The way i said it was you do 1330/950 which equals 1.4.
I did this to see how many of my new hits fit into the time of my old hit which would show i have a 40% increase in dps. Now i am pretty sure this is right. Any other views?
It depends what you want the answer to show.
If you want to compare how much quicker the haste elixir makes it than the gloves:
Difference with gloves = 1900 - 1330 = 570 speed increase
Difference with elixir = 1900 - 950 = 950 speed increase.
950/570 = 1.6 recurring
Therefore the elixir increases your attack speed
1.67 times more than the gloves, to 3 significant figures.
Or, as a percentage, ([950-570]/570) x 100 = 66.67%.
Therefore the elixir increases your attack speed
66.7% more than the gloves, to 3 significant figures.
If you want to compare the new speeds:
1330/950 = 1.4
Therefore the new speed will be
1.4 times greater with the elixir than the gloves. You can use the same calculation above for the percentage.
If you want to find the difference in increase speed:
Gloves = [(1900-1330)/1900]x100 = 30% increase
Elixir = [(1900-950)/1900]x100 = 50% increase
Therefore the elixir's effect is 20% greater than the gloves.
How many new hits fit into the same time compared to the old hits:
With the gloves: 1 hit every 1900 to 1 hit every 1300. This means you can now hit 1.46 hits in 1900.
With the elixir: 1 hit every 1900 to 1 hit every 950. This means you can now hit 2 hits in 1900.