Thank-You very much OTM! You have done absolutely nothing for another faithful player! It has been over a week since I sent in my details you asked for, and yet no response...
Please do not post saying "Oh blablabla they take weekends off" because I don't give a funk.
May I please have a job here? I want to do nothing all day .
Shut up scammer! U do nothing but stand in castle on morrigan and attempt to scam others. So what goes around comes around. U don't deserve anything but a ban from OTM.
Yes OTM. You have been entertaining us with only sentences like 'support team will get back to you quickly as there is a large number of requests'. That is totally nonsense, you have 24 hours a day and I believe it is enough time to solve a lot of people's request but you guys simply take too slow and in the end don't even reply at all. You guys need more employees?
Okay, its been far too long now... You want to do something already Support? Honestly, I doubt they even have a support team... And quite frankly if they do, I'd love to apply for a job, considering I'd have to do absolutely nothing.