nOOb Questions
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:51 pm
Hi ya'll, couple of questions from a new player...
I'm trying to figure out the best armor and wep's for my character (currently trying out a ranger.) And I'm a little confused about a couple of things.
1) I know there are light and heavy armors, but I'm not seeing where it show's if there is a penalty for wearing the wrong kind of armor. i.e. if I'm a dex based ranger, is there a penalty for wearing a heavy armor etc? Or in the reverse, is there a bonus for the high dex and running in my briefs?
2) How does the weight of the armor effect me? Or what effect could it have?
3) My other question is about weapon speed, am I looking for a higher or lower number? And again, how does the weight of the weapon effect me?
Thanks for the info!
I'm trying to figure out the best armor and wep's for my character (currently trying out a ranger.) And I'm a little confused about a couple of things.
1) I know there are light and heavy armors, but I'm not seeing where it show's if there is a penalty for wearing the wrong kind of armor. i.e. if I'm a dex based ranger, is there a penalty for wearing a heavy armor etc? Or in the reverse, is there a bonus for the high dex and running in my briefs?
2) How does the weight of the armor effect me? Or what effect could it have?
3) My other question is about weapon speed, am I looking for a higher or lower number? And again, how does the weight of the weapon effect me?
Thanks for the info!