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Skirmisher Sashmen

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:52 pm
by Niz
Hello. I just started playing the game a couple days ago and have worked my way to a level 24 mage. I ran into my first major head-scratcher, and I was hoping someone could help me.

I recently completed "The Curse" quest. I then went down and spoke with Sergant Grumpshop, I believe, and he sent me on a new quest in Shalemont Ravine. As soon as I got there, I talked to a couple people, did a quest where I located a couple missing scouts, and am now on a quest called Retake The Lake, where I am to recover ten Skirmisher's Sashes. (They can be found on Skirmisher Sashmen).

I was able to find two rather quickly, because the swords icon appeared on my directional map letting me know there was a Skirmisher nearby to battle. However, since then, I have been running all over Shalemont Revine (at least as far as I can go without running into higher-level enemies I can not defeat) and I have not seen anymore Skirmisher Sashmen. The man who sent me on this quest told me that Vanguards and someone else may have the sashes on them, too, but everyone time I kill one, I don't get one.

Can anyone tell me what to do to find the Sashmen?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Skirmisher Sashmen

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:02 pm
by aleph
Kill the skirmishers as they are placeholders for the sashmen.

Re: Skirmisher Sashmen

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:05 pm
by VowOfSilence
I just finished going through that area. They spawn in the same place you killed your first two. They only range about two or three trees from that spot. They just take a while to spawn so just hang out in the area, pick a few mushrooms, and level on the rest of the things in the area. They will show up. The leveling really starts to slow down in shalemont which gives you a chance to let your skills catch up. All the quests mobs in the area have about a 15 min spawn timer except the defectors, they take forevever to spawn. Good luck and have fun.

Re: Skirmisher Sashmen

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:21 pm
by Niz
Thanks for the responses, guys. I'll keep looking. Also, what is the game's next big quest after The Curse?

Re: Skirmisher Sashmen

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:50 pm
by Ezekiell
After retake the lake you have to do more quests in this area. Its like the quest in lirs but it was split in more than one quest.