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Crom got disconnected after 2 attempts killing aggy.
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:22 pm
by Croquette
First time, he was at half, now he was around 75%. Server crashed two times and we're still waiting to get back. I'm also asking for my 20+ idols back, if that's possible, thanks. very angry lol.
Re: Crom got disconnected after 2 attempts killing aggy.
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:47 pm
by Enigma
Happened to my clan yesterday when we were doing agg. Only taranis crashed, although we were only 30% in it did take some time and costed people to lose some plat items. Not asking to get any back but could you look into what makes the server crashing nowadays as I've seen a number of worlds complaining about this issue.
Re: Crom got disconnected after 2 attempts killing aggy.
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:25 pm
by GraybeardHalt
On Gwydion, it turned out to be frequent clan promotions and kicking, it got to the point where the crashes were up to 11+ a day, and OTM finally fixed it so that the clan recruiting/kicking/promotions etc. wouldn't affect the server as much. But if it's happening on your server, it's most likely that one big noob clan with a couple trolls in it recruiting and kicking people left and right.
Re: Crom got disconnected after 2 attempts killing aggy.
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:39 pm
by admin
Thanks I'm looking into it.