Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Items mysteriously gone and "No record of having them"

Hi guys,

Um...a few weeks ago I had something happen, that was very weird. For whatever reason, items just mysteriously disappeared from my inventory and bank. I HAD : Diamond soul orb, diamond spirit star, faerie diamond, and a Connacht gold ingot in my bank and inventory. Nobody has my account information, nobody even knows my password. I log in one day, and they're gone. I check every alt I have, nothing. I send in a support ticket. I have proof I had these items because I bought them from players who know me very well, and majority of Herne knows that they just disappeared randomly. Support finally sent me a response, only to say they are sorry but it appears that my character never had those items.


I'm sorry but whoever runs support is doing a lousy job, because I clearly remember (and someone else) buying these items from people.

Oh and yesterday I find that ruby boat tusk is also missing from my bank.

We need a more serious person to run Support, instead of having players smash on that person on a daily basis.

Thanks for reading.

Herne Rogue 140+ - INACTIVE


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