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Before you say " I was scammed!"

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:38 pm
by MoonlightAria
Ok yes we know being scammed isnt delightful. But if you have seen other posts you would notice what the admins usually say...
" Please Report the Player Using the In-Game Support Tool"
And you should also notice the All Trades Are Final bits and pieces. No mater what you say or how hard you whine OTM will be unable to get you back your items. All they can do is Disable the other parties account.
Same goes for losing YOUR account. Dont say "Ive been hacked" the servers at OTM are secure so no hacking there. You either had an easy to guess username and password or you have away/sold account info
So please know that they can't always give you whatever you want. For example if you need to recover a disabled account, send an email to the appealer

Re: Before you say " I was scammed!"

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:44 pm
by Voldemort
Agreed. Be careful with your accounts and items. Treat your items like you would your money - you wouldn't give it to someone that you've only known for a week. You especially won't transfer money over to someone over the internet if you've never actually seen them before.

Also, treat your account like you would your credit apple details. It stays with you and with you only. Keep it secure with a strong password.

Re: Before you say " I was scammed!"

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:05 pm
by MoonlightAria
Its frankly getting annoying Vold. If they read the rules in the beginning of starting an account its not our problem(to a degree) but if they read forums they would know how to prevent it