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log in issues still persist after 5/15/2013 patch

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 2:38 am
by fsurules9741
I need help. I have done all the suggestions made by the 15/05/2013 patch. I still cannot log in. Each time I try, I get booted and sent back to my iphone 4 main screen. I never had this problem before the update. I cannot get past the log in menu. I have uninstalled the app and reinstalled it several times. I have turned my phone off and on again several times. I have switched to a new wifi network several times all to no avail. I love this game and have been playing for well over a year. I have spent over $100 in real money and would like to continue playing it. I don't know what I am doing wrong. My device works fine with all my other apps, so I know it is not the phone. I realize the new patch came out today and should have fixed the issues, but I still cannot log in. I am a level 91 warrior in Crom (Tristan123) and would hate to lose all the time I spent playing over the last year for nothing. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there a way to use the old pre-update version maybe? I don't know.

Re: log in issues still persist after 5/15/2013 patch

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:57 am
by CommunityBot
Please do not delete your app - instead, go to the Updates page in the App Store and update the app from here.

This should update your app to the correct version - which is 1.0.9.

Let me know if this works!