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sharpen weapon question

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 2:59 pm
by xyn
OK, as i understand dmg.

if i equip an offhand that has 25 fire dmg, my dmg stat will increase by 25. fine

if i equip an offhand that does 25 pierce dmg, my dmg stat will increase by like 100. because of str multiplier.

My sharpen weapon says it will add 26 pierce dmg. but my dmg stat only increases by 26 instead of 100+ - so it seems to act like adding elemental dmg instead of melee dmg.

OTM, is this intentional or an error in the type of dmg being added?


Re: sharpen weapon question

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:01 pm
by Xilo
So if you were to multiply pierce itd be around 2-3 pierce dmg. Mine is at 83 with 35/35 so around 12 pierce.