accounts being hacked!
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:57 pm
hello admin im writing to you guys today in regards with a very important flaw in your game, the flaw that im talking about is of course as my title states accounts being hacked. i have been playing this game litterly since week one back when the hardest mobs in the game where in the dustwither catacombs, granted i havent been playing with the same character but back to my point ive been playing this game a really long time and i have seen many impressive improvements to the game, one of these improvements which i first thought was a good thing now is actually working against me what im talking about is this feature that you guys have put in place that makes it so that if you trade an item youre trading it for good and in the game you guys state " make sure that you are happy with your trade as support will not do anything to return them," well in all my time playing this game i have never had a real issue with trading items other than the occasional scammer or person trying to impersonate an admin. i reacently bought a mage dimond wepon from the store in other world and now some how some one got into my account and took my 65k wepon and replaced it with a crummy scepter and a 20k wrath charm, now i assume they did this inn order to make it look like i intentionally and willingly traded but i logged off for about 4 hours and when i logged back on boom! missing wepon and my character was not where i last left him, i have been messaging support about the incident but im afraid that you guys wont jack about it because your policy clear states that you wont do anything about it. i have spoken to two of my ingame friends that where in the same situation as me one of them a ranger levlel 90 at the time had his lux quiver taken about two months ago and he is still waiting on a reply. the wierd thing about this incident is that i have a masters grimore a heroic ammulet and very rare halloween armor yet they only took my wepon. please! support if you read this help me get my wepon back and if you guys cant well at least let me know who took it, let me know who was the person i traded the item to so i can let it be known in my world that they are scum that dont deserve to partake in the game because they can only bring themselves up by stealling from others, this has been going on for a while and i am sure i am not the only victim. when onethumb added this new trading terms to the you gave every low life scammer and account hacker the right to steal from others without having to deal with any consequences they wont get caught because of the new trading system something has to change so this doesnt keep happening! My birthday is coming up on june 8th and i have been saving up money to purchase 200 dollars worth of platinum to treat my self, now after someone got into my account im not really sure you guys are on your toes to make sure that the people who play your game will feel safe and have fun, you guys are treating US THE PEOPLE WHO KEEP YOU IN BUISSNESS like unfathomable! what kind of company doesnt take the time to evaluate an issue like mine huh? i do not wish to stop playing this game because for the past two years this game has been great, once again support i ask that you guys look at my problem and help me get back my diamond weapon or atleast let me know who has it now, ps. my characters name is thedon i play on herne i am a level 91 mage