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Dragonlord dagger

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:38 pm
by MortalCreed
Can anyone post a pic or tell me what the stats and bonuses on the dragonlord dagger?

Re: Dragonlord dagger

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:21 pm
by Hawkye
Can anyone post a pic or tell me what the stats and bonuses on the dragonlord dagger?
No one has yet, since they barely have shoes gloves maybe helm

Re: Dragonlord dagger

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:28 am
by KiyKiy
lol there are a couple of full sets already.

Look around in class threads and general discussion threads. Almost every piece of armour has been posted, as well as the weapon for rogue druid and mage.

Re: Dragonlord dagger

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:31 am
by Hawkye
lol there are a couple of full sets already.

Look around in class threads and general discussion threads. Almost every piece of armour has been posted, as well as the weapon for rogue druid and mage.
Some don't waste time...
I'm amased actualy, they probably farmed like crazy for the pieces

Re: Dragonlord dagger

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:35 am
by KiyKiy
Plenty of drops for the armour comes from the appropriate bosses. The crazy comes from training in order to get to a higher level so you can kill the bosses.

Re: Dragonlord dagger

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:13 pm
by Solid
:D (the guy in the pic is obviously not me).