I've been told that support is receiving about 500+ requests PER DAY... Let's do some math.
Lets say each person in support spends 5 minutes on each request.
Lets say there are 500 requests per day.
That 2,500 minutes spent on non-stop reading support messages
Thats 41.6 hours
But of course they get tired of sending support messages so in their 8hr work day they take two 20 minute breaks and one 45 minute lunch break.
Now, since OTM has only 15 members (Proof here:
http://scottishgames.net/2013/02/28/gam ... mb-mobile/) I would guess they have:
1 Admin
6 Programmers
4 design
2 Work managers/marketting
1 Forum manager
1 Support
That means that there is 1 person responsible for doing 43 hours of work PER DAY in 8 hours. I will be surprised if your ticket is ever answered!
Good Luck,