Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

'RE: Password change request'

I hate to put this here, but I feel that I must to receive a better answer.

Almost a week ago I sent support an email (not an in-game ticket, my formal writing is too long-winded to type on such a tiny screen) asking for my several accounts to have their passwords changed, but not to those stupid random animal1234 passwords. I outlined the usernames that are mine, the email address that they are connected to and what I would have liked the new passwords to be.
I got an email about 20 minutes ago with support's stock-standard response for giving them as many details as I could to recover a lost account.

Lost account? WHAT THE HELL. I never once said that my accounts were lost or stolen or even accessible by someone else. All I said was security is very important to me so I would like my passwords to be changed as a reasonable precaution. It offends me because I feel like my email wasn't actually read by a human being, but actually just took a week to be scanned by a machine.

I know that the admin and support on here are people and that they read topics on this thread. Can I please get a HUMAN response for my request?

Kiyarah - 222
PiercingHeart - 193
Kiystroyer - 139
Hexi - 137
Alleviate - 135

Re: 'RE: Password change request'

You do not need to send a support request, either in-game or vial e-mail, to change your password.

You can do so when logged in to the game. More information on how to change your password to one of your choosing can be found here: http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 69&t=11543

The Support Team responded with that e-mail as they have to make sure that the e-mail request is a genuine one - for all they know someone could be impersonating another player via e-mail and requesting a password change in order to gain access to the account.
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

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