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Disabled account

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:11 pm
by hollywoodman
Hey admin... I been trying to find otms number for awhile and cantfind anything because im tired of waiting for t acc to be enabled... I have no reason for it to be banned... Im not sitting here knowing i dont have my darkflame set and broom of fright.. Because u guys dont want to fix this problem.. Is there any way i can call u guys to speak person to person? So u guys know how serious i am about this... Or atleast pm me OR actually check the email

Re: Admin read...!

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:13 pm
by admin
Hi there, have you sent a mail to [email protected] that is where the appeals will be read.

Re: Admin read...!

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:16 pm
by hollywoodman
How soon? Im really tired of waiting.. Lost my dream items because u guys ban me a day after i get it -_-

Re: Admin read...!

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:24 pm
by hollywoodman
If problem isnt resolved soon i will not spend the $1000 i was planning to buy.. Not when i lose my dream items... Not worth it and btw i was gonna sell 40k worth of plat items off to ppl in arawn for fairly cheap aswell so if problem isnt resolved then i aint doin unfathomable for otm

Re: Admin read...!

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:34 pm
by hollywoodman
Hi there, have you sent a mail to [email protected] that is where the appeals will be read.
So how soon?

Re: Disabled account

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:08 pm
by jstnwrds55
Probably never. OTM has been ban-happy lately and I doubt they want to actually help an of their paying customers.

Re: Admin read...!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:39 am
by NewGeneration
If problem isnt resolved soon i will not spend the $1000 i was planning to buy.. Not when i lose my dream items... Not worth it and btw i was gonna sell 40k worth of plat items off to ppl in arawn for fairly cheap aswell so if problem isnt resolved then i aint doin **** for otm
Your approach isnt resolving anything. Basically what your doing is threatening otm.
Otm doesnt use our money(players of this game) for personal needs. They use it to try to make this game even better. I know what your going through but saying your not going to pay 1 grand on this game unless your account is enabled is useless.
You achieve nothing in life playing this game. Especially if your spending 1 grand.

Re: Admin read...!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:55 am
by jstnwrds55
If problem isnt resolved soon i will not spend the $1000 i was planning to buy.. Not when i lose my dream items... Not worth it and btw i was gonna sell 40k worth of plat items off to ppl in arawn for fairly cheap aswell so if problem isnt resolved then i aint doin **** for otm
Your approach isnt resolving anything. Basically what your doing is threatening otm.
Otm doesnt use our money(players of this game) for personal needs. They use it to try to make this game even better. I know what your going through but saying your not going to pay 1 grand on this game unless your account is enabled is useless.
You achieve nothing in life playing this game. Especially if your spending 1 grand.
Maybe you should find the graphs and charts of how much OTM makes and how much they actually spend on the game... How about OTM displays it to us! There's an idea!! Of course they won't because it would show how little of how much they make actually goes into the game...

Disabled account

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:08 am
by Artyiom 916
my account arty916 was also disable/locked please inform I have sent many emails to appeals@onethumbmobile and support@onethumbmobile I never get messeges back pls help me unlock my account

Re: Disabled account

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:39 pm
by hollywoodman
Still waiting for a reply with email... Lalalalala