Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Im fed up!

no offense but WHAT IS UR DEAL DEVELOPERS??? y u make rangers suckY!!! im honostly fed up with this! also...ur minimizing the drop rate of ranger drops from bosses! ive been getting my frozen armor SOOO SLOWLY DUE TO THIS! IF u dont like rangers jst send a in game notice saying al rangers wil be deleted and we are required to move to different character! HONOSTLY!!! how mch worse will u make rangers!??? IM TIRED AND FED UP WITH THIS! GAAAAAHHH :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Im fed up!

OTM's nerf gun lock'n'loaded, ready to fire... who's next?! :twisted: (sarcasm included)

Don't rage just b/c they nerfed a class they're doing their best to balance them.

Drop rates are not minimized, don't rant b/c you didn't get a rare drop, there's a reason why they are "rare".

Frozen armor is suppose to be hard to get, don't expect to get in like a week or something.

Rangers are still awesome, they bolas, and mobs can't reach them, works so damn well with long shot (As a mage I love grouping with rangers, often kill mobs with 0 dmg).

Look at us mages, our ice blast is nerfed, our eshield is nerfed, our firestorm is nerfed, our incinerate is nerfed, you're not the only one.

So stop complaining and let OTM fix it up. (BTW OTM should start BOOSTING classes instead of NERFING them b/c you would eventually end up with 5 crappy classes and thousands of raging players)

This post is made by a CH player who went through 2 major nerfs (rogue and mage in v2-v3 and v3-v4, respectively), no bias included.

Re: Im fed up!

To be honest, if OTM did delete rangers because of what you said; you of most people will probably cry :P
If that happened I would quit.
World- Sulis
FrostKnight- LVL 222 Ranger
FrostDagger- LVL 198 Rogue
Sancus- LVL 197 Mage

Re: Im fed up!

OTM's nerf gun lock'n'loaded, ready to fire... who's next?! :twisted: (sarcasm included)

Don't rage just b/c they nerfed a class they're doing their best to balance them.

Drop rates are not minimized, don't rant b/c you didn't get a rare drop, there's a reason why they are "rare".

Frozen armor is suppose to be hard to get, don't expect to get in like a week or something.

Rangers are still awesome, they bolas, and mobs can't reach them, works so damn well with long shot (As a mage I love grouping with rangers, often kill mobs with 0 dmg).

Look at us mages, our ice blast is nerfed, our eshield is nerfed, our firestorm is nerfed, our incinerate is nerfed, you're not the only one.

So stop complaining and let OTM fix it up. (BTW OTM should start BOOSTING classes instead of NERFING them b/c you would eventually end up with 5 crappy classes and thousands of raging players)

This post is made by a CH player who went through 2 major nerfs (rogue and mage in v2-v3 and v3-v4, respectively), no bias included.
only thing i wanna tell u... dont judge a class unless you've ACTUALLY played it :? ... theres so many complains bout rangers and y otm messed us up idk but its so annoying :cry: :evil:...and ik frozen armor is hard to get but heres the story...me n my clan killed a ton of ow bosses and ( ive been ready for full frozen for a while ) each time the boss drop mostly red crests...and a friend of mine who hasnt waited that long for frozen is close to full frozen...he only has bp and wep left! and he's already halfway to getting bp :cry:
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Im fed up!

To be honest, if OTM did delete rangers because of what you said; you of most people will probably cry :P
yes i would cry for maybe a day or two ( XD ) but then eventually my clan would help me rebuild on a new main ._.
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Im fed up!

OTM's nerf gun lock'n'loaded, ready to fire... who's next?! :twisted: (sarcasm included)

Don't rage just b/c they nerfed a class they're doing their best to balance them.

Drop rates are not minimized, don't rant b/c you didn't get a rare drop, there's a reason why they are "rare".

Frozen armor is suppose to be hard to get, don't expect to get in like a week or something.

Rangers are still awesome, they bolas, and mobs can't reach them, works so damn well with long shot (As a mage I love grouping with rangers, often kill mobs with 0 dmg).

Look at us mages, our ice blast is nerfed, our eshield is nerfed, our firestorm is nerfed, our incinerate is nerfed, you're not the only one.

So stop complaining and let OTM fix it up. (BTW OTM should start BOOSTING classes instead of NERFING them b/c you would eventually end up with 5 crappy classes and thousands of raging players)

This post is made by a CH player who went through 2 major nerfs (rogue and mage in v2-v3 and v3-v4, respectively), no bias included.
only thing i wanna tell u... dont judge a class unless you've ACTUALLY played it :? ... theres so many complains bout rangers and y otm messed us up idk but its so annoying :cry: :evil:...and ik frozen armor is hard to get but heres the story...me n my clan killed a ton of ow bosses and ( ive been ready for full frozen for a while ) each time the boss drop mostly red crests...and a friend of mine who hasnt waited that long for frozen is close to full frozen...he only has bp and wep left! and he's already halfway to getting bp :cry:
I've played a ranger before, I know exactly how awesome they are before, I had a real life brother that played a ranger.
Therefore I know exactly what's going on. Rapid shot down to 50% (previously 100%) haste, light heal sucked compare to before (I remembered rangers are virtually the "immortals" when v3 first came out), sharp shot and barbed shot are garbage lower than auto (same with rogue quick and rend), it sucks.
Rogues complained WAAAAYYYYY more when v3 came out, but I do agree they are way too op in v1-v2 (one hitting connachts with sneaky 6 lvls above them?!).

The feeling that you seem to not get your ranger stuff is a psychological effect (dunno the effect name, taking psych AP in next school year so I will learn about it), Keep in mind that you have only 1/5 chance of getting ranger's stuff, and addition to group members (assume 8), thats 1/5 to get ranger stuff and 1/8 chance FOR you to GET the ranger stuff IF ranger stuff is dropped by mob, which is 2.5% (calculator out :3) chance of YOU getting ranger stuff, and don't get me started on WHAT stuff you need. (You do realize that you can also BUY the stuff from other players, obtaining them would take ages). When I needed mage meteroid stuff (I gave up trying to obtain and bought instead), same thing happened to me. Now my bank is literally overflowing with mage meteroid stuff, AFTER I got my meteroid armor, weird huh?

Re: Im fed up!

well the chance of ME getting the ranger drop is actually 8/8 chance cause i call dibs on it XD :lol: and no i am not buying the crests :p and i fully understand obtaining them will take ages but with full clan support on my side im sure it wont take long :D ( if they ever drop -_- )
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Im fed up!

To be honest, if OTM did delete rangers because of what you said; you of most people will probably cry :P
yes i would cry for maybe a day or two ( XD ) but then eventually my clan would help me rebuild on a new main ._.
Sure They Will.. Didn't Your Clan Chief Say He Was Quitting? I Saw Him Make An Offensive Clan Name To His Own Clan :D I Don't Think Thats A Very Team Building Exercise? :O

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