Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices


Ok so on the 21st i sent in a ticket asking for a refund on a item i bought on account Evasive..
On he 24th i sent in a ticket asking how many sigils i had on my second account ghandi ..

I got a reply for my sigils after 2 days... But I am still waiting for a reply for my refund after 5 days..

This makes no sense at all and is stupid i should have geting my refund befor told how many sigils i had.. Please sort out the support system to make it more efficient.
Rogue 198
InnerCircle - Rhiannon

Re: Refund......But.....


Both these tickets have been answered today. We've got a small bit of a backlog due to the weekend and double platinum offer but we've almost caught up. Please remember that sending multiple messages slows the process down and this may why a ticket seems to be answered before another as this can make tickets go down the list (since the latest one is more recent while we're working on back log tickets).

If there is no response in two weeks then send a new ticket or PM me here. Thanks!

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