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I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:16 pm
by Croquette
NB: Plat prices on Crom are 200g per 1 plat.

Some weeks before update 4 approximatively, I bought 5 super elixirs of knowledges for 4k each, so 20k. Problem: a little bit after that, I realized they actually were normal knowledges... (2x exp and not 4x). I pmed the one who sold me them to tell her to buy back or give me 10k back. She said OK, but later because she had spent the gold.

After update 4 I mailed her to remind her what she owed me. She mails me back saying I'm a scammer and she "checked on her acc that had her elixs and they were super", in short something confused that didn't prove anything. I answered her that I would report her and she started to be rude and to insult me. She also told her noob friends (she is lvl 80) that I was a scammer.

I reported her but nothing has been done, nobody answered me and she is still playing on her account as if nothing was wrong.

Could you please look into that for me? Thanks, I am really pissed and can't believe she would get away with it. Sorry for my bad english.
I can send you her in-game name by PM.

Re: I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:50 pm
by NewGeneration
Well pretty much what otm needs to do is fix up the icons for the lixes right? Especially the ability and super xp lixes. They look so much alike. Admin should also change the normal lixes to different icons. Because super lixes are fine as they are.

Re: I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:01 am
by Croquette
Can I get an answer on this? Thanks.

PS: the lixes are now on my character JunkKeeper, my bank (same account as my main character Newton, where I bought them).

Re: I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:12 am
by FrostKnight
There's this thing called reading. It helps.

Re: I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:22 am
by Croquette
There's this thing called reading. It helps.
There's a thing called "mind your own business". It helps too.

I want an answer from an admin or support, I know they must change the color and I agree with ZTB but do you think it resolves the problem? Not really.

Re: I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:37 am
by NewGeneration
There's this thing called reading. It helps.
There's a thing called "mind your own business". It helps too.

I want an answer from an admin or support, I know they must change the color and I agree with ZTB but do you think it resolves the problem? Not really.
I believe the color wont change anything but different icons will. Hope admin or someone who cant take action of this is reading this.

Re: I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:04 am
by Croquette
I believe the color wont change anything but different icons will. Hope admin or someone who cant take action of this is reading this.
I know, but what I meant is that it doesn't resolve my own problem, for which it's already late. I would like this person to be banned or at least support to react.
I like your idea tho, someone posted it on Feedback and Suggestions already.

Re: I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:33 pm
by CommunityBot
The Support Team will be unable to do anything in this situation.

All trades are final, and they are the full responsibility of the users involved. There are several checks and messages in place to ensure that a player is happy with a trade before the trade is completed.

If you have an issue with the trade you will have to take it up with the player who you traded up, and not the Support Team.

Re: I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:41 pm
by Croquette
I know you can't return me the items but can't you just ban or warn her? That's a SCAM.

In update 2 I got scammed of all my lux, I mailed support and they answered me that the player would be dealt with.
Now, does this mean all scams are allowed??

Re: I've got scammed (trick), nothing has been done.

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:51 pm
by Solarus
It's a fair trade, not a scam. You put the money in and hit accept. You have no one to blame but yourself. There are THREE safety measures to make sure you don't make a mistake. 1. There is a confirmation window to check everything before hitting accept. 2. When another player adds an item into the trade window, text appears saying what item was added. 3. The item itself that you are trading has text on it if you click it, all you need to do is actually read. Learn your lesson and be more diligent next time.