Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:31 pm
OTM, I got scammed by a character named *Name Removed* ( last letter is a capital 'i'). I don not know how but he tricked my friend into giving him my Celestial Dragon Staff and the only reason why he gave was because the name was Extremely alike from the real person whom we really trusted (TheAnviL). This person is probably having my dragon staff right now and may mail it to his other characters. Please ban him and return me back my Celestial Dragon Staff please! U can check his Chat log to see if he is really a scammer as he also said, ' Wouhahahaha u are do stupid to trust me' and other sentences. I'm playing in
the world
And my character name is Qu33fKnight
the world
And my character name is Qu33fKnight