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Impersonator on forums

Some noob named ztb1 on forums is impersonating me. Can admin or moderator please disable that account. I dont want anyone to think that he is me.
He or she can start problems using my name as a coverup. Please admin or forum moderator disable that forum account!
Connie23 Lvl 220 Druid
Connor23. Lvl 200 Rogue
Heals4days Lvl 215 Druid

Re: Impersonator on forums

Ever thought that someone might have chose the same name as you? There's a vulture on danu as well as me, both rogues, and both around the same level. It's just a coincidence I bet, no need to disable an account because they have the name you want.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Impersonator on forums

Yes what a coincidence that someone else chose my name ztb1? Which stands for zoe, tyler, and ben? My three best friends. Also they put a number one at the end of the name and posts on the same world i do? Im from crom.
Connie23 Lvl 220 Druid
Connor23. Lvl 200 Rogue
Heals4days Lvl 215 Druid

Re: Impersonator on forums

I can understand another person naming themselves as vulture since it a common word which everyone knows. But naming themselves after the initials of my friends is a rarity. I dont understand why this person would impersonate me.
Connie23 Lvl 220 Druid
Connor23. Lvl 200 Rogue
Heals4days Lvl 215 Druid

Re: Impersonator on forums

Yea what are the odds ztb1 would be common its a unique name lol
Same goes to your name as well. Your name i know for sure is kind of a common name but i bet people wont name their characters like how you did.
Connie23 Lvl 220 Druid
Connor23. Lvl 200 Rogue
Heals4days Lvl 215 Druid

Re: Impersonator on forums

Have they done anything to impersonate you at all? Lots of people get their names copied, I have too. I was the very first Frost in Sulis, plenty of people have had the same name, with a different ending.
World- Sulis
FrostKnight- LVL 222 Ranger
FrostDagger- LVL 198 Rogue
Sancus- LVL 197 Mage

Re: Impersonator on forums

Have they done anything to impersonate you at all? Lots of people get their names copied, I have too. I was the very first Frost in Sulis, plenty of people have had the same name, with a different ending.
They have, thats trying to steal my name. Which means that he is not impersonating me? Its like saying that when a lion tweets instead of roaring then that makes him a bird.
Connie23 Lvl 220 Druid
Connor23. Lvl 200 Rogue
Heals4days Lvl 215 Druid

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