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Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:01 pm
by Croquette
Hey, I have an ancient relic staff from one ancient chest (80% speed 10% camo) and I was wondering if it's worth it to trade it for a certain amount of ancient chests (ancient staves go for like 400k in Crom so I'd say 40 chests but maybe I can find someone that will do 50 because imo it's worth more than 400k)?
I'm still wondering if I should do that, could anyone help me?

Why I'm hesitating is that I have no speed item left if I do it and even 30% isn't so cool.
But I could also get another in the chests or at least some cool gold..


Re: Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:03 pm
by D0nk0
The % chance of getting a better mount from even 50 chests is negligible, personally I would keep the one you have.
I bought my 80% speed and 50% camo new for 1 million gold, but I doubt anyone would sell one that cheap.

Advice: keep the one you have.

Re: Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:23 pm
by Croquette
Okay, thank you!

Re: Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:12 am
by mdimarco
I bought an 80/50 for 2million and am very happy with my purchase. You seem to get an ancient staff in 1/100 chests. if you do get one the highest probability would be you get another 10%. You would probaby have to buy 500 chests before you could be pretty confident you would get an 80/50, which is 5 M gold lol.

Re: Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:28 am
by FrostKnight
I bought an 80/50 for 2million and am very happy with my purchase. You seem to get an ancient staff in 1/100 chests. if you do get one the highest probability would be you get another 10%. You would probaby have to buy 500 chests before you could be pretty confident you would get an 80/50, which is 5 M gold lol.
damn. Someone on Sulis said to me they opened 1.2k chests O_O

Re: Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:30 am
by Ezekiell
I bought an 80/50 for 2million and am very happy with my purchase. You seem to get an ancient staff in 1/100 chests. if you do get one the highest probability would be you get another 10%. You would probaby have to buy 500 chests before you could be pretty confident you would get an 80/50, which is 5 M gold lol.
200 chests and no staff

Re: Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:58 am
by mdimarco
Also watch out because their will most likely be camo items released for halooween however they will most likely not fill any spot a camo item has before ...

Re: Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:59 am
by mdimarco
I bought an 80/50 for 2million and am very happy with my purchase. You seem to get an ancient staff in 1/100 chests. if you do get one the highest probability would be you get another 10%. You would probaby have to buy 500 chests before you could be pretty confident you would get an 80/50, which is 5 M gold lol.
200 chests and no staff
Ya no guarentees but im gessing the odds are like one in 100 or 1 in 200 ish.

Re: Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:26 pm
by Alphachicken
I bought an 80/50 for 2million and am very happy with my purchase. You seem to get an ancient staff in 1/100 chests. if you do get one the highest probability would be you get another 10%. You would probaby have to buy 500 chests before you could be pretty confident you would get an 80/50, which is 5 M gold lol.
damn. Someone on Sulis said to me they opened 1.2k chests O_O
Thats 12m. My guess he bought them with plat.

Re: Ancient Relic staff

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:07 pm
by Croquette
I bought an 80/50 for 2million and am very happy with my purchase. You seem to get an ancient staff in 1/100 chests. if you do get one the highest probability would be you get another 10%. You would probaby have to buy 500 chests before you could be pretty confident you would get an 80/50, which is 5 M gold lol.
I agree with your "one ancient staff in 100 chests". I opened like 100, and I got one ancient relic at 80 approx. Also got 500k gold in my 20 first chests tho.