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Problem with logging in

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:06 am
by Elementalx
Hi there,

Hope all is well. I currently have a problem logging in my account and the reason mainly lies down to when I access the server list. When I downloaded the app and patched I tried to login it worked fine until I reached the world list. When I tried to access the world where my character slot is I got the "incorrect username/password" label. Does that mean that my password got changed or is this a server related issue? The last activity has been since last Tuesday.

PS: I've been checking the reviews lately and many people encountered the same problem. I've also sent a mail to the support team and I am yet to receive their response

Thank you

Re: Problem with logging in

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:17 pm
by I'mdead
This happened to me once but apparently no one was on my account, only me.

Re: Problem with logging in

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:10 pm
by Elementalx
How did you get it fixed then?

Re: Problem with logging in

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:19 am
by Elementalx
Figured out the problem and it's a server related issue. When I redownloaded the game the following happens:

1. It patches the updates normally right after you input your username and password
2. You get through the login screen with the worlds list
3. Once you select the world of choice you immediately get the incorrect username/password banner
4. When you try to login again at the login screen you keep getting the incorrect username/password banner
5. The only way to login is through creating a new account after patching, which will stop the banner loop immediately.

I hope that the support team would look at this as this causes the problems that were recently encountered by many starting players. Hopefully there could also be a way to fix this through other methods than password resets. Unfortunately I wasn't able to input an email due to this problem.

PS: Sorry for the double post.

Re: Problem with logging in

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:57 pm
by I'mdead
How did you get it fixed then?
After a while it fixed itself, it was odd.

Re: Problem with logging in

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:29 pm
by Elementalx
How did you get it fixed then?
After a while it fixed itself, it was odd.
I'm waiting for support on the solution so far and have given them my account info. But really thank you so much for the info :). At least now I'm sure it's a server sided issue. Do support reply during weekends or we'll have to wait on Sunday?