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Ability training
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:27 pm
by 248874
Can someone make a guid for where to train ability? If there is already one pot it on this thread plz I need help I dont know where to train reflex,willpower and my vigor ability if anyone know good places to train plz post below
Re: Ability training
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:36 am
by Inzane
Eyes in ow were I did mine
Re: Ability training
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:37 am
by RedDogy
I dont have the link. But go to Druid Forums and look in Regenleifs main guide. Its helped me on abilities.
Re: Ability training
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:45 am
by Deathreaver
i dont know much about places but i can list some places where you can train abilities
here are the places that come to my mind for each ability
these are the places where my ability seems to have leveled the most
reflex: connacht trappers, druids, purple eyes
vigour: unicorns, druids, stonefang, redbane
willpower: scryers, purple eyes, duskshadow quest guys
for vigour its possible to level with redbane but not suggested
for willpower its possible to level with the duskshadow quest guys but not suggested
for reflex its possible to level on purple eyes but not suggested
Re: Ability training
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:56 am
by BlackMamba
I find kelpies a good place to train vigour. As you first encounter them from the west it is possible to gather 5-6 of them at once and simultaneously train fortitude from 2 skills and vigour from the deluge. I heard wraiths are good for willpower. Reflex isnt very useful but if you really want to max it also, try running through trees. This wasn't one of your listed abilites but to anyone else who needs advice, loredancers are the best mobs for warding. Keep killing non loredancers in the south road pit until you get 10, including a queens escort if you want. I got mine from 500-1500 in under 7 heroic wisdom elixirs and will max it again once im 180. A 50/35 bless in addition to dragonstaff, fireward, and embrace definitely made this a lot easier. I wouldnt recommend tackling too many at once if you have low resistance evasion and regen