Celtic Heroes

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Reporting a player

Sorry if in wrong topic. A player on Morrigan has told me that I am no longer allowed to enter arena when she is there or I will die upon doing the daily quest. I am reporting her. I will message admin. I have screenies
★ℚʊɛɛɳ øƒ Ғɑṩɧɪøɳ
iOS Player since 2011
Name: Killerado
World: Morrigan
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Rainbow Color
ケルトの戦士 (Keruto no senshi, Celtic Warriors)
Esquilax is the best!

Re: Reporting a player

If you feel like it is turning into harassment, then report the user using the in-game support tool. No screenshots are required.
Harassment in the arena? You can't be serious..

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Reporting a player

If you feel like it is turning into harassment, then report the user using the in-game support tool. No screenshots are required.
Harassment in the arena? You can't be serious..
Well, let's say I walk into the arena to kill Crammok, I don't have a choice whether I want to walk into the arena or not. I want to complete the quest. If I am being constantly killed even after a truce, despite many other people in the arena to kill, then I cannot complete the quest. The user is singling me out over everyone else and disrupting my gameplay. So yes, this situation would be classed by me as harassment.

In a real-life situation, I am told that every time I go to the office kitchen to make a coffee, I will be kicked in the shins. I want to make a coffee but I am kicked in the shins. This is harassment, and it is not a joke.

Some people want to have fun in the arena with playful fighting, not being hacked down every time you set foot in the arena with some sort of negative intention.

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Re: Reporting a player

Your analogy doesn't make sense.

The gladiator quest is meant to be hard to complete because of other players. Why would the quest reward 130k or 210k xp for a mob that can't even kill you? The gladiators hit for 4 dmg ffs.

The real challenge is completing it without getting killed by others, high level or not.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Reporting a player

Your analogy doesn't make sense.

The gladiator quest is meant to be hard to complete because of other players. Why would the quest reward 130k or 210k xp for a mob that can't even kill you? The gladiators hit for 4 dmg ffs.

The real challenge is completing it without getting killed by others, high level or not.
Yes, you are correct to some extent. The challenge is their to avoid being killed by other people, but after someone kills you once, They can move on. I mean there's no way to fight a level 181 if you are, for example, level 5. It would be unfair for them to keep killing you. And why would they want to fight you? They gain nothing. No XP or gold.

It's one thing to kill and move on, but to repetively kill the same person? That's harassment.
LVL 49 warrior


So I'm a noob after all...
Slow lvling.

Re: Reporting a player

The problem is that OTM allows this type of behavior. While it is socially impolite and unacceptable to most civilized players, pvp low level ganking has always been present in most MMORPGs with a pvp aspect.

I've mentioned a long time ago (http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 877#p99427) that low levels shouldn't be able to be attacked by high levels so the arena is always a "fair fight", but the usual - no comment from OTM.

Even so, I don't think under the current rules, repetitively killing a player in the arena should be considered harassment.
Last edited by Aileron on Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Reporting a player

Well, let's say I walk into the arena to kill Crammok, I don't have a choice whether I want to walk into the arena or not. I want to complete the quest. If I am being constantly killed even after a truce, despite many other people in the arena to kill, then I cannot complete the quest. The user is singling me out over everyone else and disrupting my gameplay. So yes, this situation would be classed by me as harassment.

In a real-life situation, I am told that every time I go to the office kitchen to make a coffee, I will be kicked in the shins. I want to make a coffee but I am kicked in the shins. This is harassment, and it is not a joke.

Some people want to have fun in the arena with playful fighting, not being hacked down every time you set foot in the arena with some sort of negative intention.
Wtf are you comparing real life to an in game pvp area for? o.o
If you are unable to do the quest come back later after said player has gone away.
Besides, couple mobs and a low level will have made up that exp they could have gained in arena.
Sorry if i come off harsh but those two situations cannot really be compared.
Ranger ~TeslaStrike~ Lv191+
Rogue ~HyperStrike~ Lv177+
~Proud to be a part of Avalon~

Re: Reporting a player

That come back later thing doesnt work. Ill leave and return, sure there not there, but they must have a tracker on my char cause ill be 3/4 through cramm and then some jerk comes up and kills me, and my mob.

117+ Druid (Main) RedDogy
70+ Ranger
63+ Rogue
World: Morrigan
Clan: Looking for clan. (Old one was dead)
Current: Class Balance is a must!

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