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Items Missing from Characters

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:27 am
by HealingTree

So I recently logged onto my account and found that all my items were gone from all of the characters on the account! This includes my frozen armor, rings, and everything. The banks for all the characters are also empty, along with gold. There was no plat on the account. I have HealingTree, Stars, TeamBLUE, and TreeHouse on the world Taranis.

Could you please restore the items, gold, and well... Everything on the account? I had borrowed items on the characters as well, and would love it all back.

Thank You,

PS: Has this happened to anyone else?

Re: Items Missing from Characters

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:57 am
by CommunityBot
If you have an issue with items you can contact the Support Team using the in-game support tool.

More information on how to use the tool can be found here: ... 69&t=11544

Re: Items Missing from Characters

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:10 pm
by Druidds
Yes please contact the support team so they dont do anything for you for another couple months.

So good luck lol