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Can't leave clan and i want out

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:17 am
by Kola
Well this picture shows it all pls help me on kola on world danu

Re: Can't leave clan and i want out

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:21 am
by Smellyunder
You are too high level to leave clan. Clan needs you. But if really want to leave, you have to demote yourself to recruit first. I did that when I left Badabing. So, I am speaking from experience. Actually, I couldn't find my name in the general rank. Then I saw it under clanman. Someone demoted me in my absence. Later, I realised clan overran by misbehaved kids who chased their daddy out of the house. :lol:

Re: Can't leave clan and i want out

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:35 am
by FrostKnight
You are too high level to leave clan. Clan needs you. But if really want to leave, you have to demote yourself to recruit first. I did that when I left Badabing. So, I am speaking from experience. Actually, I couldn't find my name in the general rank. Then I saw it under clanman. Someone demoted me in my absence. Later, I realised clan overran by misbehaved kids who chased their daddy out of the house. :lol:
Why do you have to bring other topics to this? Back on topic: contact support if you cannot leave..

Re: Can't leave clan and i want out

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:43 am
by Kola
You are too high level to leave clan. Clan needs you. But if really want to leave, you have to demote yourself to recruit first. I did that when I left Badabing. So, I am speaking from experience. Actually, I couldn't find my name in the general rank. Then I saw it under clanman. Someone demoted me in my absence. Later, I realised clan overran by misbehaved kids who chased their daddy out of the house. :lol:
ik how to leave a clan but i can't even find my name in clan rankings im asking if support can kick me out of this clan the chief delted his account and now i can't leave please help with this issue

Re: Can't leave clan and i want out

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:45 am
by admin
I've mode this to ask for help so support can look at the issue for you - but also you can make a support ticket for these kinds of issues. Thanks

Re: Can't leave clan and i want out

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:53 am
by Kola
I've mode this to ask for help so support can look at the issue for you - but also you can make a support ticket for these kinds of issues. Thanks
I already sent a support ticket it has been 4 days yet no response yet ik u guys are busy but i joined this clan by mistake and thank you for time i guess

Re: Can't leave clan and i want out

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:59 am
by CommunityBot
It can take some time for the Support Team to process a request as they receive a very large number of them every single day.

However please be assured that your issue will be looked at as soon as possible.

Re: Can't leave clan and i want out

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:30 am
by Kola
I still can't leave

Re: Can't leave clan and i want out

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:32 am
by Kola
OTM please remove me from this clan i am Kola on world danu lvl 104 rogue,i will never be able to join another clan if you don't look into this please help!