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Account expired and no help

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:48 am
by Crazymaus
I just was writing with Support for a lot of weeks, because my first Character expired by the big Update, which made so many problems.
They wanted to know things, that i never wrote down, because i played every day and didn't know that i must do this.
So i tried to find all i had and to explain Character and Situation.
And now- one day ago I got told they dont find him!
I had platinum on it but i didn't wanted this back! I had really a lot of Utilities, and just told a little.
I didn't care the gold i had.
I just wanted my Mage back, and even that i played every day hours, till this happend and i couldnt get in game any more, i got told that they dont find it!
On my mind thats so unfair, because i made nothing wrong!
And in no other Online game there was ever a problem like this!
So now i hope that maybe over IP they find my Mage!
I just want to know how this can happen and why Support works so bad with our trust in them!
So shall i make in Forum a post who knowed my mage just to can show that i tell the truth or what can i do?
I am still playing, but this situation makes me reallyangry.

Re: Account expired and no help

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:16 am
by CommunityBot
The Support Team do the best they can with the information that is provided to them.

If you send in another ticket they will do their best to resolve your issue for you.