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Why was my Jean post removed?
Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:40 pm
by DarKnight
No explanation given, no reason, apperantly just deleted. Some of you mods or admins need to better carry out your position
Re: Why was my Jean post removed?
Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:47 pm
by xvanguardx
They can delete anything they want if it even relates to violating a rule. If you want a message, you send the first one. You are also posting about a deleted topic which is also against the rules. And by the looks of it you probably advertised meaning that's against rules. I recommend you read them a few times.
Re: Why was my Jean post removed?
Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:16 pm
by DarKnight
They can delete anything they want if it even relates to violating a rule. If you want a message, you send the first one. You are also posting about a deleted topic which is also against the rules. And by the looks of it you probably advertised meaning that's against rules. I recommend you read them a few times.
Obviously you don't even know what you're talking about, advertised? Really?
I was asking why Jean the Jewler or whatever still doesn't have items for sale
Re: Why was my Jean post removed?
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:32 am
by xvanguardx
My mistake, I apologize, please ignore my post but just pm a mod anyway is what I recommend.
Re: Why was my Jean post removed?
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:32 am
by Skenkee
Please pm a mod/admin about this. We try to help as much as we can. If it is about a deleted post or topic. Please let us know what the post was about. (We cannot see deleted topics/posts).
I just found out your topic has been moved to the bug section of this forum: ... 08#p343608