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I give it all for the people...

Hey guys. Magixal from epona and im here to ask u guys something? Is it worth going on with this game? Im lvl 83 and have now made a personal vow to give all my stuff in game to noobs after I got scammed. I plan on earning gold and then giving it. This will go on until scamming stops in epona and this is my form of a passive protest. Opinions?

Re: I give it all for the people...

That scammer is gonna make 50+ accs so he can get free stuff from u without scamming. If u wanna help scammers get a better char so he can Scam easier u should do this. If not save ur gold buy urself some lux and level up so u can ks/kill the scammers rather than give them free crap.
Serethem Lvl: 210 Class: ranger
World:Herne Clan: Infection (full edl armor and bow thank you clan!)

Armageddon01 Lvl: 105 Class: Mage
World:Rosmerta Clan:

Re: I give it all for the people...

That scammer is gonna make 50+ accs so he can get free stuff from u without scamming. If u wanna help scammers get a better char so he can Scam easier u should do this. If not save ur gold buy urself some lux and level up so u can ks/kill the scammers rather than give them free crap.
193 Ranger

Re: I give it all for the people...

You can't dither on something like that, its pathetic that you should give stuff to noobs because you got scammed. You either say "oh well, it's a good game so I'll carry on playing" or "well I got scammed, I'll never get that good again so I'll quit". If you think quitting is the right thing to do then you don't need a answer for your question, just go with your gut feeling. I'm afraid until OTM finds a way of stopping these scammers, which I have no doubt they are trying to do, then your just going to have to be on the lookout for scammers.
Sorry if I came over a bit harsh :)
Snakes, Snakes Everywhere

Re: I give it all for the people...

Scamming is easily stoppable. Don't trust somebody u don't know. Verify the person you r trusting is who u think they are.
U can't be scammed of something u don't give to somebody.
All true. I got scammed big time by Nohands soon after I started to play. I didn't mind very much but learned my lesson. If I choose to give stuff or gold to someone it is my choise and responsability.
Morrigan -
Neodym, ranger, Lvl 223,Morrigan Kojak, warrior, Lvl 221, Mabon
Tuula, rogue, Lvl 223, Morrigan Topnotch, ranger, Lvl 220, Mabon
Streiff,ranger, lvl 220, Epona


Re: I give it all for the people...

Scamming is easily stoppable. Don't trust somebody u don't know. Verify the person you r trusting is who u think they are.
U can't be scammed of something u don't give to somebody.
Meh you can easily be scammed/ripped off if you add an extra zero to your gold offer. Had to pay for my sister's mistake the other day, 80k rather than 8k . . .

It'd be nice if there was a 'K' button to add 3 0's to the end of your amount.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

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