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OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:54 pm
by iTransfer
Seems like a lot of higher levels are being banned all across the serers. Me personally got banned for a reason im not sure yet. Lost roughly 20mill in gold and a handful of gold. I made this account likea week ago and monday it was disabled.

But nevermind my problem i sent an apeal and hope this gets resolved.

But as i see a lot of high level being banned. I dont know why but can otm explain all these bans? Even my bud Jikasle 168 druid was banned a couple days ago.

Are people being banned again for hacked gold? Because for the people who have no idea what they are receiving till they get banned. Why are people being punished for one person cheating?

This is very common in rhiannon

Re: OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:56 pm
by iTransfer
Sucks because my friend coolzg lent me a heroic ammy a couple days ago and now disabled...

Re: OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:12 pm
by iTransfer
Come on otm Xplain Yourselves!

Re: OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:55 pm
by Jikasle
Come on otm Xplain Yourselves!
+1 this is starting to really get on my nerves... I was excited for double plat but now it seems I won't even have an account during it :|

Re: OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:59 pm
by shydiot
Sucks because my friend coolzg lent me a heroic ammy a couple days ago and now disabled...
so you have over 20m and need someone to lend you a heroic rej? ok.....

and otm may be banning you but they don't ban scammers it seems. there are several on crom still running around...

Re: OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:14 pm
by Jikasle
Sucks because my friend coolzg lent me a heroic ammy a couple days ago and now disabled...
so you have over 20m and need someone to lend you a heroic rej? ok.....

and otm may be banning you but they don't ban scammers it seems. there are several on crom still running around...
Everything points to OTM supporting scammers.. First they don't disable them even with efficient proof and then they mass disable legit players. In both of these instances it would seem they think it spurs people to buy more plat, but to me it's quite the contrary.. Why would I want to continue supporting a company that doesn't support me back? Just my 2 cents...

Re: OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:39 am
by chaoslord1
On Lugh, our best tank and DPS were disabled, with many more people. What happened, wtf?

Re: OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:54 am
by Jikasle

Re: OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:24 am
by Royalninja(LordRN)
I know, this is getting on my nerves as well.
They dont tell you when,and/or why you get banned/disabled.
And of course ,scammers out there are still happy running around scamming people, which is a hand full of pure BS.

I was also ready for duble plat ,but I guess that wont happen any time soon ...

Re: OTM laying down the ban hammer?

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:35 am
by iTransfer
So you can move this to Ask For Help but you cant explain to all of us why your disabling so many people? We deserve an explanation or many plat buyers wont be buying plat. I was planning to spend close to $500-600 for 40k play but u can say bye bye to that till this unfathomable is sorted out