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Disabled account for no reason

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:44 pm
by Awe :)
First hey :)
Well I recently received a replie of the support characrer restoration thing and they said that there was evidence of my account beeing traded. As I never traded my account this is kinda weird, when I asked them for the evidence they didn't replie too. So I just wanted to ask if any support member/anyone who may help could pm me please. Thanks, have a nice day

Re: Disabled account for no reason

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:52 pm
by Skenkee
Please follow the steps from this web page. ... procedure/

This is how OTM would like to receive information regarding to this issue. Not by forums like it is mentioned many times before.
I know waiting for an answer can be a pain but they said it can sometimes take up to. 2-4 weeks..

Re: Disabled account for no reason

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:37 am
by Royalninja(LordRN)
Every 2-4 weeks? I've been waiting 1 month &1/2 .
I can't contact them via game or email ,so hope some admin on forums tells the people incharge of blocking innocent people to start investigating ,or atleast give us some type of response ...

Re: Disabled account for no reason

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:56 am
by D0nk0
Please follow the steps from this web page. ... procedure/

This is how OTM would like to receive information regarding to this issue. Not by forums like it is mentioned many times before.
I know waiting for an answer can be a pain but they said it can sometimes take up to. 2-4 weeks..
If they say there is evidence, then didn't supply it, I'd be pissed too.