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Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:39 pm
by rouge1235
I don't know if this is everyone, or just me. I've been crashing an abnormal amount of times while I have been in Dunskeig Sewers leveling on worms and hawkhursts. I crash like every hour anyways, but I would log on, crash, log on crash, rinse repeat until finslly me n my friend had to stop leveling, on our lixers and go to the otherworld (pirates to far away).
So I just wanted to know, anyone else crashin a lot in sewers?

Re: Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:54 pm
by Legolas15
Sewers have always made me lag more than any other area

Re: Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:54 am
by CH45E
Sewers have always made me lag more than any other area
Especially when approaching hrugnir groups

Re: Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:30 am
by Xilo
I feel that otm should lesser the quality of the waterfalls and running water a tad when anywhere in the sewers. Please make the area a little more friendly to me (: I want my hawkurst chest without crashing once

Re: Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:16 am
by Continuum
everytime i try to teleport to anywhere in the sewers, i always crash. everytime entering from a different area into the sewers, i always have to restart the app. :evil:

Re: Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:00 am
by admin
For those who are having issues here, could you please wirte down which devices you are using. Thanks

Re: Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:10 am
by FrostKnight
I use ipod 4g, and ALWAYS CRASH IN THE SEWERS. Like every hour or two, which is a huge pain in the ASS. I also think the waterfalls animations help me lag and crash again and again.

Re: Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:12 pm
by CH45E
I use an iphone 5 and it only has noticeable lag around going to big groups if people, especially in sewers

Re: Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:49 pm
by pigman
Ipod 4g

Sewers are near unusable

Re: Anyone else crashing a lot in sewers?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:25 pm
by rouge1235
iPad 1 (lol)