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Meteoric totem

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:04 pm
by 1313
My meteoric weapon quest is still bugged, no matter how many times it gets reset. For the part when it says to go to Jaryn the Smuggler for his half of the falling star, he is bugged. I go to talk to him, he has a ? above his head, but it shows as his shop. Basically when i talk to him he shows me these options: Show me druid items/ show me everything/ or goodbye.

Support: plz help fix this issue, i have reset the quest over 7 times, and would like a COMPLETE reset on everything, as in taking away any item i have gotten for this quest and starting it fresh and new.

TY IN ADVANCE and soz for long message!!!!

-Druid1313 of Danu

Re: Meteoric totem

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:02 pm
by I'mdead
Try asking them to remove the quest?

Re: Meteoric totem

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:09 pm
by 1313
Try asking them to remove the quest?
I have tried this several times, along with resetting the quest, but it just doesnt work