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Disabling account with no explanation

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:31 am
by Daisy
OTM thinks it's right to disable a account without explanation? Then try to get in touch with them? Good luck. They take your money easily but customer service is non existent. They probably have a room full of accountants and a closet with one customer service rep.

Re: Disabling account with no explanation

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:50 am
by Curry30423
OTM thinks it's right to disable a account without explanation? Then try to get in touch with them? Good luck. They take your money easily but customer service is non existent. They probably have a room full of accountants and a closet with one customer service rep.
We got a hater here._. Alert alert! And u need patience too...if I can wait a month for my account to be unbanned so can you.( and I'm very inpatient :S ) and if u keep on SPAMMING them then it takes longer for your appeal to be looked into. So stop spamming._.

Re: Disabling account with no explanation

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:09 am
by I'mdead
There do not explain why it is disabled but they do have their reasons. You have to wait patiently, they don't always respond right away. ... 71&t=14400