Character poof!
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:03 pm
Ok so I deleted my character time ago but I got him back (Thank You) but I in the time while he was gone I made a new character with the same name however I deleted him before I got my original character. A few days later i noticed I left a item on him it was a regen neckless he was still wearing it so I went on my alt and sent a support ticket asking what happened and I got him back went on him took the neckless off from him and mailed it to my alt. however my original character got deleted as well poof! He just vanished now I'm worried he's gone forever which I hope he isn't cuz I spent money on him -_- so I sent a ticket about that and it's been a few days I just want to be cleared if you guys can actually get him back or not?