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Beta Tester

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:22 am
by Immaboss31
I would like to be a Beta Tester for next update but I have looked everywhere to see how to become a Tester and haven't found much so please tell me if its possible for me to be a Beta Tester or not. Thank You

Re: Beta Tester

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:22 am
by RoyalSeraphim
Dude, you have to wait for a Beta opportunity to be open. OTM will release a Beta Application (basically like a job application) - it asks your In-Game Name (IGN), Level, Class, and specific questions such as "If there was a bug, how would you go about reporting it?"

By the way, I was a Beta Tester for Update 4, Dragonfire. It's fun! You get to meet other people from all Worlds, and also, you get to meet the people that made Celtic Heroes happen! They're pretty neat, chill!