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Disabled account

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:19 pm
by Allyme
Today i made a new account for a ranger alt i had planned on training. I log on to it lvl it to 2 to make sure ik who it is i will send my luxury to. i log on my main mail my bloodlust helm, heroic gloves of haste, and heroic ammy of rejuv, and a might brace of venom. After i mailed it i went to go pick up the items for my new made alt. i type everything correctly and it says my account has been disabled. This ranger alt i made is called OreosRgood lvl 2 in gwydion. Could support please re enable it or mail me back my luxury items i listed above please i literally did nothing to deserve a disable at lvl 2 in the matter of minutes. I have also sent a ingame support ticket. Help is much apreciated-Allyknife lvl 132 rogue of gwydion