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No answer from support for 2-3weeks

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:02 pm
by CelticDeathEpona
Hello! I mailed to support about my account. I forgot the password to that account, but it does not resets because i do not have email on it...
Anything that you can help me with:)

Re: No answer from support for 2-3weeks

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:36 am
by Goron
Hi there CelticDeathEpona,

Support are very busy as they have a huge amount of tickets to get through.

I'm sure your ticket is there and that it will be addressed as soon as possible. If you do not hear anything back in the next few of days it may be worth submitting another ticket as 3 weeks is a longer waiting time than usual.

Hope this helps!