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Mispurchase From Shop/Support Ticket Issues

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:19 am
by SmartOne96
Well, I asked a friend of mine to buy an ancient warbow for me from the shop, because I couldn't access it yet. He accidently purchased an ancient falchion instead. I figured it wouldn't be a big deal. I would just send in a support ticket to have the items swapped. Well, it may just be the device that I am using, but sending a support ticket was a daunting task. first of all, I have a problem using the keyboard on my device already. (I think that I am just not accustomed to it yet.) So, my ticket was full of typos. I couldn't edit any part of it except for the very end where the curser is. I have to backspace all the way to the error to fix it. I also cannot see most of the message that I am typing. I also seem to reach a char limit? I don't remember a char limit, at least not one so small on ios. After this limit I can continue to type (and when I backspace it doesn't remove my message so I think the keys are being logged.), but I cannot see anything I am typing. I also accidently hit the send button earlier than I planned on twice. :oops: I think the combination of my lack of skill at writing tickets and a buggy? UI was not very effective at communicating with the support team. In any case, I figured someone would see it for sure if I posted here and perhaps the support UI could be looked at. (It is possible that it is just my device. I am using a Dell Venue 7) If my Mis purchase Issue could be rectified to I would appreciate it. Sorry to cause you guys more hassle. :)

Re: Mispurchase From Shop/Support Ticket Issues

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:15 am
by Jake
It is most likely your device. I dont remember anybody using any Dell tablets during the android beta testing, so it might have some compatibility issues.

Re: Mispurchase From Shop/Support Ticket Issues

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:27 pm
by SmartOne96
It's a junky tablet. I got it ''free'' when I bought a laptop. I gave it to my mom, but my little brother and sister have been using it. Tbh the game runs better in bluestacks than on the tablet.

Re: Mispurchase From Shop/Support Ticket Issues

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:13 pm
by Goron
The best thing to do is to submit a support ticket. We are aware of the problems with this system currently and are working to fix them.

If you have not received a reply from support after a week, send another ticket.

Hope this helps!