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Keeps crashing (IOS 6.1.6. IPod 4gen)

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:08 pm
by Thanto
So i just opened the app after i didnt play for some time and found out there was an update. Updated the game and saw it was the new engine and yuletide! But then i logged in and tried to log in to my lvl154 rogue, it didn't work and auto closed the app.. hamster pellets happens i thought; so i tried it again and it happened again. I tried it several times after that, re-downloaded, re-started my IPod, log into another character.. nothing worked..
So here's my question,is this something i can solve myself (if yes, how?) or is does this require an update from OTM or something?

Thanks in advance, hope ya'll can help me fix this and have a good time on CH once again!
(Sorry if this has been posted already, didn't see it then!)

Re: Keeps crashing (IOS 6.1.6. IPod 4gen)

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:20 pm
by Goron
Hi Thanto,

This is an issue the team are aware of for low end devices and are currently working towards fixing. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Re: Keeps crashing (IOS 6.1.6. IPod 4gen)

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:15 pm
by Thanto
Oke, thanks for the answer Goron!
Have a great day! ;D