Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices


I'm sorry for this very late post, I know time has passed, I just didn't know how to put this in words. Although you guys maybe won't trust me or believe me this is what I wanted to say about the previous events that took place in the banning of my Celtic Hero Account. First of all I am sorry I never contacted the clan earlier about this situation! Here's the Story: I was introduced to Celtic Hero's by a friend in real life named x, his in-game name is x/any other form of x. He helped me throughout the game I really thought he was a real trustworthy and bro'ish guy. He gave me stuff to level, he would help me level, and he would log and farm and level and give me free things! it was the best! I reached level 95, I WAS SO EXCITED TO get to 100, but then one day I came home and logged onto Celtic Hero and Bayta (my character) was deleted, I text x right away asking him what did you do to my account! He responded that his younger brother his name is x (ingame) took x iPhone and scammed Bayta and and deleted my character. I believed x! I was furious with x's younger brother. I had so much trust in x. The next day his younger brother came over with his parents, I yelled at him and asked him why he would scam me, after so much questioning I got it out of him! btw tubbi has a past for scamming his brother and me, on the world of Gwydion. His brother x can even answer that question. Okay so x told x had a plan to scam me ever since the beginning of the game, x wanted me to get very good at the game until I was worth more than 1 mil, then x would scam me, it was such a devious ultimate plan! He scammed me! he blamed it on his brother so I would still have friendship with him and have trust! After I figured that out I wanted to get x and all my stuff worth more than 1 mil back. so with the help of his younger brother who has been scammed by x we were able to get into his account, although he had a lot of lux worth like 5 mil, we took like 1.3 mil which was bascially what he took from me. He emailed support and everything and was able to track me down. He then made me look like the bad guy Bayta got banned and so did x, I WAS SO MAD! X is a FAKE SCAMMING CRAP! he is one of the best devious scammers, after i confronted him he finally admitted it, but he didn't think i would take action! BUT I AM! This is really what happened, I did take money from his account, but it was the money that was ORIGINALLY MINE! Me and x want our accounts back and want support to handle this case! I know you people probably wont belive me but this is what happened! I had great trust in the clan from the Gens and Chief I was a guardian I wouldn't just scam and wanna get my account banned. Please Help ME!


Lol. Im glad it was just food in my mouth when i read this and not milk, or it would've gone up my nose :lol: .

To the op, im sorry you had to go through that, i had an opposite experiance where i introduced someone irl to the game, and he scammed many people telling them he was me, and tried to scam me as well. Luckily, i knew he was a liar from before game and didnt trust him with anything good. Many people also whispered me about him before trading stuff, and i was able to prevent many scams. All in all, i made him change servers :lol: . Hope your problem gets resolved as well.
World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."


This has been posted on January which was about 4 months ago...
The ask for help section probebly doesnt get many new posts due to otms "amazing" celerity when it comes to helping players! (Or just too many players have given up on getting their issues fixed. But lets go with what i said before, its more exciting). And besides, its such an attention grabbing story it deserves to be stickied :D
World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."


to long, didnt feel like reading. heres a tip, dont do anything that could result in a bann.

i didnt read any of the story so this statemeny may not even have to do with the storu.
Its a story well deserving of being read.... I agree its not the easiest on the eyes, but its worth it. Especially one particular comment which makes the experiance ten times more rewarding. :D
World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."

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