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Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:55 pm
by deano13
Trying to create a character I'm using an iPhone 6, I can't seem to change my name or delete the name given? I spent about 20mins and managed to delete the name using spaces and typing to the name I want to be told there are to many spaces for the name to be valid? Is there an issue or something with the iPhone 6? Seems really annoying and I'm unable to play :(

Re: Bugged??

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:14 pm
by OTM Wulver
Hi deano13, I just tried this on our iphone 6 and didn't have any problems, are you sure you've got a stable connection to the internet?

Re: Bugged??

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:20 pm
by deano13
I have 100% wifi signal as I'm sitting next to the router, still the same, won't let me delete and type the name in, just lets me put spaces in, the delete button is working its moving back but not deleting the name it gives I have to use space then type a letter untill it gets to the end of my name I click accept but then I get the error there's to many spaces :S