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still can't play

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:23 pm
by Gandorf Biggums
OTM this is getting prety boring not bring able to play my favorite mobile game. I have been really wanting cross platforming so i can play agian.
I know you guys say this up comining update is supposed to help fix a lot of preformance issues but i feel old gen devices like 4th gen ipod are still going to be basicaly un playable. I really wany to play agian. People like me havent been able to play for a whole school semester and have missed out on basicaly two events. Let us play agian.

Re: still can't play

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 1:33 am
by Hison
Nvm... You can Always save up 50$ for new android device.

Re: still can't play

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 3:30 am
by I'mdead
*cough* new phone if you can afford one *cough*