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Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:34 pm
by Shazta
I have spoken to google play and they specifically said its the developers fault for not fixing the pricing and listing it in the plat store. They said no coversion rates have been changed and its on the developers to change this.

Re: Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:35 pm
by Shazta
I just want to know who i should be calling and whos fault it is. You all say its google play while google play says its your developers. Thanks

Re: Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:36 pm
by Jake
...please read through all of my comments in the other thread.
And I mean all.

Re: Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:06 pm
by Shazta
Ty jake for finding this probelm it was brought up a while ago. But now it looks like something is being done about it

Re: Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:07 am
by DooMeD
before i started purchasing plat i was going to ask this question, but i found these posts, so i went off of the admins word, i trusted otm admins..
come to find out my trust was misplaced.. ... 19&t=61054 ... 19&t=54082

I noticed that otm was trying to state that "we hit the accept charges button therefore its like an in game trade"
well if we were told by admins that these are taxes set by the Play Store prior to the purchase, does this mean we are being "scammed" by otm?

i am going to start advertising in castle, combos for 5k! but when people try to buy them im going to charge 10k and tell them its otm tax passed on..

Re: Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:48 pm
by Shazta
For the topic u locked on us on friday is there any response to it?

Re: Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:14 pm
by Jake
For the topic u locked on us on friday is there any response to it?
The plat prices are correct now.

There was an issue with Googles currency conversion algorithm.

When Android came out, OTM set prices for plat. Since then, the price of the dollar has gone down opposed to the pound. To make sure that OTM would still receive the initial amount that they set, and not something less, Google jacked up the price of plat in dollars.

Re: Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:42 am
by Shazta
For the topic u locked on us on friday is there any response to it?
The plat prices are correct now.

There was an issue with Googles currency conversion algorithm.

When Android came out, OTM set prices for plat. Since then, the price of the dollar has gone down opposed to the pound. To make sure that OTM would still receive the initial amount that they set, and not something less, Google jacked up the price of plat in dollars.
So since they were messed up how can i get my money back. Bc 17.03 is a lot to be missing.

Re: Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:48 am
by pigman
For the topic u locked on us on friday is there any response to it?
The plat prices are correct now.

There was an issue with Googles currency conversion algorithm.

When Android came out, OTM set prices for plat. Since then, the price of the dollar has gone down opposed to the pound. To make sure that OTM would still receive the initial amount that they set, and not something less, Google jacked up the price of plat in dollars.
So since they were messed up how can i get my money back. Bc 17.03 is a lot to be missing.

As far as i know you dont, goigle charged you and you paid google

Re: Purchase for ios-andorid differences

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:51 am
by Shazta
well thats great.