Chr. Kyle Chaos
Server. Tarains
I would have submitted a ticket but the game will not let me resister my email... I have two bounty quests that can't be removed from my quest list. But when I go in to the areas that the bounty are for the targets are still marked. It gets rather confusing... If I could get someone to remove them. And maybe you guys should think about coming up with a way for us to remove quests are selfs. Thank you for taking he time to read and let me know what's up.
~Kyle Chaos~
Re: Bounty quest / email registry
#4I agree with having the ability to remove the quests and bountys. I often can't complete them for whatever reason and then they are stuck on my list and my map.
Re: Bounty quest / email registry
#5Try e-mailing [email protected]
-Write about your issue
-Your character names, what server they are on and other details about your account
-Write about your issue
-Your character names, what server they are on and other details about your account