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NativeX plat glitches

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:24 pm
by Starlette
There are two plat offers that are glitched. One is Band of Merry Makers for 1 plat and the other is Audiobooks by Audible for 3 plats. My sister had been her account and done them both twice. She told me the first time she didn't receive the plat be up a pop up did not show up to say she got any plat, so she said she had done them one more time and come to realize she had 8 plat and couldn't figure out why. She asked me and I told her to not do them again and to take a screenshot of the two offers. So here is the screenshot.

Re: NativeX plat glitches

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:15 am
by Muldar
Hey Kittens,

If you are having issues with NativeX / Supersonic offers please ensure you have fully completed every step of the offer.

If you are still having issues please visit the support article on the Celtic Heroes website titled ‘Issues with Free Platinum Offers’.

Additionally, please contact NativeX / Supersonic so that they can confirm for us to award the platinum you are missing.

Hope this fixes the issue :)