Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:32 pm
Hello, I have sent many support tickets, without any response from them. I never recieved the 4000 platinum i bought. I sent a support ticket, but they never responded. We will call that suport ticket "Support Ticket #1". I knew that they wouldn't respond, so I made a "Test" support ticket to see if they would respond. We will call that support ticket "Support Ticket #2". I sent Support Ticket #1 on Saturday. The next day, I sent Support Ticket #2. They actually responded to Support Ticket #2, and did NOT respond to Support Ticket #1. They even responded to Support Ticket #2 in a record time of 1 day. I have sent Support Ticket #1 about 2 times. Are you trying to ignore me? Can you please look into this? Thanks.
Username: Jasonlinblue
In-Game Name: Enderguys3
World: Mabon
Username: Jasonlinblue
In-Game Name: Enderguys3
World: Mabon